Offering of Subjects at a More Demanding level
Offering of Subjects at a More Demanding Level (MDL)
Eligible students can offer English Language, Mother Tongue Languages, Mathematics and Science at a more demanding level based on their PSLE Achievement Level (AL) for each of these subjects.
This will allow the child to stretch himself/herself and acquire deeper competencies in his/her area(s) of strengths, fostering greater ownership over his/her learning and nurturing a growth mindset.
Beyond the start of Secondary 1, students who do well in school-based assessments may offer subjects at a more demanding level if found suitable to do so by their schools.
More information on Full Subject-Based Banding (FSBB) can be found here.
For enquiries on FSBB matters, please contact the following school staff through the school General Office: Mr. Marc Ong (Year Head)
If your child is eligible to take subject(s) at a more demanding level, you will receive the offer letter via the Parents Gateway. Please indicate whether your child wishes to ACCEPT or REJECT the offer by 26 Dec 2024.
Please purchase the correct books required for the subject(s) at the more demanding level if your child decides to take up the offer.